I see you mamma and I know you need these 5 daily practices to decrease stress, because I need them too. Being a mother comes with many emotions. Love, fulfillment, exhaustion, guilt, worry, and wonder. Juggling all these emotions and all the tasks that come in one single day combined together, leave you in one giant heap of stress.
I had the honor of speaking with a friend, Dr. Karen Way, on this very subject. Dr. Way is a holistic functional chiropractor that has a heart for mothers with young children. She remembers the struggles and wants to be a sounding board and source of support to help stop the cycle of exhaustion. Here are her 5 tips and what she had to say.
1. Lower Your Expectations
As you may have come to realize, you can’t do the same things you did before kids. It is just not possible to have everything perfectly balanced at all times. There will be consequences of trying to do everything. Stress will hurt your body and at some point, you will end up crashing. So lower your expectations and show yourself grace. Be thankful for whatever it is you can accomplish each day.
2. Structure is Your Friend
Organization and structure is key to a successful household. Without a routine, your days can feel scattered. This doesn’t mean you have to plan out your day to the last minute, but having a set time for certain things like meals and naps will help you and your children thrive. Knowing exactly what you want to do each day will set your intentions and turn that scatter into focus.
3. Care For Yourself
What does self care actually look like? Why is it important?
You are giving of yourself 24/7. Proper self care will allow you to keep doing this and do it better. While popping on a face mask or taking a bubble bath to unwind is nice, self care does not begin or end there. Those things are placing a band-aid over a much larger wound. Self Care should be continual throughout your day and be all encompassing for your mind, body, and spirit.
Do you experience these symptoms? Dizziness, Heart Palpitations, Shakiness? These are common in mothers, because it is common for us not to give our bodies proper nutrients. Your body is on a roller coaster fueled by sugars, with dips in the late morning, and afternoon.
Instead of processed foods and sugars, try eating lots of colors found in foods that are grown. Increase your consumption of healthy fats in nuts and oils and don’t forget to hydrate. Click here for my tips on how to make sure you are drinking enough water.
In addition to fueling my body properly, I like to take the time to put some effort into my appearance. Simply looking your best is proven to increase focus and brighten your mood. I am very thankful for finding Maskcara Beauty’s 3D foundation that takes just 5 minutes to apply. I would love to help you customize a makeup palette that is designed to enhance your beauty. Click here to learn more.
4. Exercise for Your Lifestyle
Exercising for your lifestyle was by far the most eyeopening thing I talked about with Dr. Karen Way. I get down on myself if I am not doing full cardio, weight lifting workouts like other moms I see. All the power to them, they rock, but if you are maxed out in other areas of your life, then take a more gentle approach with your exercise.
Ask yourself “What can my body handle? What does my body need to be healthy and stay healthy?” Support yourself in a nurturing way by listening. If you are trying to accomplish something that you don’t have the energy for, then you are going to hurt yourself more.
Eastern thought on all of life, including exercise, is balance. If you are frazzled, choose a low impact walk or yoga. Exercise will look different for every woman and different in every stage of motherhood.
5. Alone Time
Being still is an important daily practice to decrease stress and anxiety. A time to decompress mentally and physically. Tune into your body and emotions. What are you feeling? Where are you feeling it? Allow yourself to be aware. Feel it and then let it go.
Dr. Way recommends doing this twice a day, even if just for 5 minutes. One time before bed to help calm your mind and once at a time that feels best for you.
Feel. Acknowledge. Breathe. Let Go
You can’t just keep adding and not taking something away. There will be a sacrifice at some point. Don’t let it be your health. I hope these 5 daily practices to decrease stress helped you see that.
If you would like to reach out to Dr. Way from Elan Vital Medical Center than you can do so by email @drkarenway1@gmail.com Let her help you individualize a healthy lifestyle that will teach you how to understand what your body needs.
Keep Blooming! ~Bekah